本活動只接受於參加本推廣活動時可接收及發送 WhatsApp 訊息及已接受 WhatsApp 應用程式內的服務條款及私隱政策的香港手提電話號碼登記。
如香港手提電話號碼於參加本推廣活動時尚未登記 WhatsApp 帳戶或 WhatsApp 帳戶尚未接受 WhatsApp 應用程式內的服務條款及私隱政策,將無法接收得獎 WhatsApp 訊息,得獎訊息不設補發。
推廣期 / 購買期: 2024年8月23日至2024年9月19日,共4輪(每1周1輪)
登記期: 2024年8月23日至2024年9月20日
於系統內登記單據並符合資格之客人,均可參加 「人人有獎鮮係中秋抽獎」。凡於登記期內參加滿3次或以上,顧客將自動參加於2024年9月23日的終極大抽獎。每個電話號碼只可參加 1 次「終極大抽獎」,參加「終極大抽獎」需以 3 張由不同日子發出的單據登記; 如於系統內登記多於 1 張同日單據,只有首張單據會被視為有效登記參加「終極大抽獎」。
顧客於推廣期內於惠康單次購物滿HK$50或以上,憑有效惠康購物收據於推廣網站 wellcomeluckydraw.hk 登記,並輸入收據日期、購物金額、11位數字的惠康收據編號及香港手提電話號碼,即可參加抽獎。參加者須保留收據正本以作領獎 / 核實之用。
每次成功登記 (以每張收據計算) 均可即時贏得一款獎品。(本活動所有獎項均為「即時獎」)
有效收據必須為 2024年8月23日至2024年9月19日期間由惠康超級市場香港分店或網店發出的購物收據正本及單次購物滿HK$50或以上。收據正本上必須清楚列明所購買之產品名稱、購物金額、收據日期及收據編號。
購物金額以扣除所有折扣、優惠 (包括信用卡及所有即減、折扣、「其他現金券」及其他優惠) 及退貨的產品金額後最終付款價錢計算。「笑印活動」系列貨品換購 (包括以 yuu 積分換購「笑印活動」系列貨品) 、免費換領或領取產品 / 禮品 / 獎品、已退貨的產品、塑膠購物袋收費、購買惠康購物現金券、增值八達通及送貨服務費,均不計算為購物金額。
本推廣活動只適用於惠康超級市場、 yuu網購平台 、惠康網店或Market Place手機應用程式。
此外,顧客購買1種指定產品可享多1次抽獎機會,2種指定產品可享多2次抽獎機會,如此類推 (購買相同種類的指定產品多於1件,仍只可享多1次抽獎機會)。
每輪指定產品均不相同,當輪指定產品將於推廣網站內顯示。每輪指定產品將於推廣期內的每個星期五 (凌晨12時) 更新。
每張收據可享最多10次抽獎機會 (包括由購物金額獲得的抽獎機會及購買指定產品的額外抽獎機會)。
終極大獎: 香港來回任何目的地雙人來回航點任揀▽ (總值: $44,000,共1名)
大獎: 金玉滿堂龍蝦盆菜 (總值: $5,592 每1輪1名,共4名)
二獎: 手工乳豬 (約2.5斤) (總值: $6,384 每1輪2名,共8名)
三獎: 月圓海味禮籃(3隻/套) (總值: $6,384每1輪2名,共8名)
四獎:「免費產品」電子兌換券: 筒裝珍寶藍桑子 (總值: $6,000 每1輪50名,共200名)
五獎:「免費產品」電子兌換券: 無激素添加冰鮮三黃雞 (總值: $11,800每1輪50名,共200名)
六獎: 惠康有條件價值$150電子現金券 (門市專用)(4輪共120名)
七獎: 惠康有條件價值$150電子現金券(網店專用) (4輪共120名)
八獎:「產品折扣優惠」電子優惠券 (每款「產品折扣優惠」均為獨立獎品)
買熊井/CHEW CHEW急凍食品滿$50, 減$5
買宗家府/O'FOOD冷凍產品滿$60, 減$5
買任何淘大醬油滿$30, 減$3
買獅球嘜食油滿$120, 減$10
買任何嘉頓餅乾滿$50, 減$5
買維達產品滿$100, 減$5
買Aveeno沐浴露1L, 減$10
得獎者將於得獎後3個工作天內接獲專人聯絡登記得獎。得獎者須於接獲專人聯絡後的指定時間內提供英文姓名 (必須與香港身份證相同)、完整及清晰得獎收據正本及其照片以供核實並完成登記得獎。如於上述時間內未能聯絡上、於首次接獲專人聯絡後於2個工作天內未能提供以上任何資料並完成登記的得獎者,將作棄權論。
獎品須由得獎者本人於指定日期內親身前往指定地點領取獎品或獎品換領信,不可授權代領。於領獎時得獎者須出示有關得獎收據正本、香港身份證正本及領獎詳情 WhatsApp 訊息以作證明。如得獎者未能於指定日期前領獎 / 於領獎時未能出示有關得獎收據正本、香港身份證正本或領獎詳情 WhatsApp 訊息,惠康將取消其得獎資格。收據正本於領獎後將被收回以作記錄。
得獎者將於得獎後1個工作天內接獲得獎WhatsApp 訊息,WhatsApp 訊息內將包括電子兌換券 / 優惠券的網站連結。
如於上述時間內沒有接獲得獎WhatsApp 訊息或電子兌換券 / 優惠券網站連結的得獎者,請得獎者本人於上述時間後1個工作天內的辦公時間以得獎手提電話號碼致電查詢熱線查詢,否則其得獎資格將被取消,逾期查詢將不獲受理。
於領獎前,得獎者須自行向分店查詢相關產品供應情況 。
得獎者須於電子兌換券 / 優惠券上列明的有效日期內於惠康超級市場出示得獎收據正本及電子兌換券 / 優惠券網站上實時顯示的電子兌換券兌換獎品 / 購物折扣優惠,不接受截圖。於完成交易時,須於惠康超級市場員工見證下,於電子兌換券 / 優惠券網站上按「完成」及「確定」按鈕完成使用電子兌換券 / 優惠券。如得獎者未能於電子兌換券 / 優惠券上列明的有效日期內兌換獎品 / 購物折扣優惠、於領獎時未能出示得獎收據正本或電子兌換券 / 優惠券網站上實時顯示的電子兌換券/ 優惠券,或無法於惠康超級市場員工見證下於電子兌換券 / 優惠券網站上按「完成」及「確定」按鈕完成使用電子兌換券 / 優惠券,惠康將取消其得獎資格。
於得獎後,得獎頁面將即時顯示產品折扣電子優惠券,得獎者需自行截圖 (必須完整顯示整張電子優惠券) / 下載電子優惠券。電子優惠券不設補發,如得獎者於公布抽獎結時無法顯示抽獎結果 (因網絡或其他問題) / 無法截圖 / 下載電子優惠券,其得獎資格將被取消。
(每張有效收據可參加收據日期或之後的以下其中一輪抽獎 (以登記本活動時間計算),唯每張收據於整個推廣期內只限登記一次)
第一輪: 2024年8月29日,晚上11時59分
第二輪: 2024年9月5日,晚上11時59分
第三輪: 2024年9月12日,晚上11時59分
第四輪: 2024年9月20日,晚上11時59分
本活動不接受送貨單、複製收據、優惠券、信用卡客戶存根或收據上只有「笑印活動」系列貨品換購 (包括以 yuu 積分換購「笑印活動」系列貨品)、免費換領或領取產品 / 禮品 / 獎品、已退貨的產品、塑膠購物袋收費、購買惠康購物現金券、增值八達通或送貨服務費之收據。
第一輪: 2024年9月5日
第二輪: 2024年9月12日
第三輪: 2024年9月19日
第四輪及終極大抽獎: 2024年9月27日
參加者所輸入的資料將不可更改,所有資料均以網上登記之記錄為準,任何重覆、錯誤或不完整的資料將被視作無效。若活動所填寫之資料不實或不正確,導致得獎者無法收到得獎通知、領獎詳情或獎品,或無法領取獎品,惠康恕不負責。本活動只接受已接受 WhatsApp 應用程式內的服務條款及私隱政策的 WhatsApp 賬戶及具有由香港流動電話網絡供應商提供的傳統語音服務的香港手提電話號碼登記,如手提電話號碼於登記本推廣活動時尚未接受 WhatsApp 應用程式內的服務條款及私隱政策、沒有上述的 WhatsApp 賬戶或語音服務或於登記本活動 / 領獎時登記電話號碼已停止服務、無效、已更改、無法發送 / 接收 WhatsApp 訊息或無法打出 / 接聽傳統語音通話,其得獎資格將被取消。
如有任何爭議,惠康保留最終決定權。如惠康發現參加者使用或教唆他人使用不正當或欺詐手法干擾推廣活動的運作、破壞或影響活動的舉辦、誠信、公平或順利進行,惠康有權終止有關參加者的參加資格、把已登記的資料作廢及限制參加者登入推廣網站和 / 或向參加者提供相關服務,並保留向有關人士追究的權利。
推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼: 59056-64
Win Fresh! Sure-Win Lucky Draw
Lucky Draw Terms and Conditions
This promotion only accept the Hong Kong mobile phone numbers which can receive and send WhatsApp message and accepted the WhatsApp in-app Terms and Privacy Policy when registering this promotion.
The Hong Kong mobile phone numbers which do not carry a WhatsApp account or have not accepted the WhatsApp in-app Terms and Privacy Policy yet when registering this promotion, will be unable to receive the winning WhatsApp message and the winning WhatsApp message will not be resent.
Promotion Period: 23 August 2024 to 19 September 2024, 4 rounds (Each round 1 week) in total.
Registration period: 23 August 2024 to 20 September 2024
Eligible customers who upload receipts can enter the “Fresh Moments Full Hearts Lucky Draw". Customers with 3 or more entries during the promotion period will be automatically entered into the Ultimate Lucky Draw on 23 September 2024. For the "Ultimate Prize Draw", participation is limited to one entry per mobile phone number. To enter the "Ultimate Prize Draw", upload three individual receipts issued on three different dates. If more than one same-day receipt is uploaded, only the first one uploaded will be considered valid for registration in the "Ultimate Prize Draw".
Within the promotion period, a customer makes a single purchase of HK$50 or above with a valid receipt, can enter the lucky draw through our promotion website wellcomeluckydraw.hk by registering the receipt date, purchase amount, 11 digits of the Wellcome receipt number and their Hong Kong mobile phone number.
Participants should keep the original receipt for the prize redemption / verification.
Every successful registration (each receipt) will win an “Instant Win Prize”.
A valid receipt must be an original receipt issued between 23 August 2024 to 19 September 2024 by any Wellcome supermarkets or Wellcome Online Shop in Hong Kong with purchase of HK$50 or above in a single transaction. The original receipt should clearly show the purchased product name, purchase amount, receipt date and receipt number.
For the purchase amount “paid” by Wellcome shopping vouchers, no purchase amount deduction for the Wellcome shopping vouchers is needed and it would not affect the receipt’s participation qualification and lucky draw chances.
The purchase amount is the net amount paid after all discounts, offers (including credit card and all offers, discounts and “other coupons”) and the products refunded and excludes the purchase / redemption of “Happy Stamp” series redemption items (including purchase / redemption of “Happy Stamp” series redemption items by yuu Points), redemption of free products / gifts / prizes, refunded products, plastic shopping bag charges, the purchase of Wellcome shopping vouchers, Octopus top-ups and delivery charges are not considered as purchase.
This promotion is applicable to Wellcome supermarket, yuu online shopping platform, Wellcome Online Shop or Market Place App.
Each single receipt with HK$50 purchase can get one lucky draw chance. An additional lucky draw chance will be given for the purchase of every additional HK$50 purchase.
Extra lucky draw chances will be given by purchasing the designated product(s) of the round. If a receipt includes one kind of the designated products of the round, an extra lucky draw chance will be given, includes two kinds of the designated products of the round, 2 extra lucky draw chances will be given and so on. Purchased the same kind of the designated product with more than 1 piece will still get 1 extra lucky draw chance only.
The designated product(s) will be changed every round, please refer to the promotion website for the designated product(s) of the round. The designated product(s) will be updated on every Friday (12 midnight) during the promotion period.
Each receipt can get a maximum of 10 lucky draw chances (including lucky draw chance(s) given by purchase amount and extra lucky draw chance(s) given by the purchase of the designated products).
Each receipt can be registered once only, any duplicated registrations or wrong inputs will result in disqualification.
Except the ultimate prize, all prizes of this promotion are instant win prizes. The participant would get the lucky draw result instantly upon complete registration. The prize quotas are set for each round. Customers with 3 or more entries during the promotion period will be automatically entered into the Ultimate Lucky Draw on 23 September 2024.
The Ultimate Lucky Draw include:
Ultimate prize:
Round-Trip Air Tickets between Hong Kong and any destinations for two.
(Total value: $44,000, total 1 winner)
Redemption period: on or before 31 October 2024. Travel period: Departure and return between 1 October 2024 and 31 March 2025. Block out dates: 21-27 December 2024, 21-31 January 2025. Cathay Pacific (including 20KG checked baggage allowance). All air tickets do not include taxes and surcharges and are subject to terms and conditions and regulations. Round-Trip Air Tickets between Hong Kong and any destinations for two.
The instant win prizes include:
Grand prize: Deluxe Lobster Poon Choy (for 6 serving) (Total value: $5,592, 1 winner per round, total 4 winners)
2nd Prize: Golden Crispy Suckling Pig (approximately 2.5 catties) (Total value: $6,384, 2 winners per round, total 8 winners)
3rd Prize: Full Moon Assorted Seafood Hamper (Total value: $6,384, 2 winners per round, total 8 winners)
4th Prize: JUMBO BLUEBERRY TUBE 200GM e-coupon (Total value: $6,000, 50 winners per round, total 200 winners)
5th prize: No Hormone Add Chilled Yellow Chicken (2 Catties) 1PC e-coupon (Total value: $11800, 50 winners per round, total 200 winners)
6th prize: Wellcome Value $150 shopping conditional e-coupon ($350 - $150) (For Physical Store Only) (30 winners per round, total 120 winners)
7th prize: Wellcome Value $150 shopping conditional e-coupon ($550 - $150) (For e-Store Only)
(30 winners per round, total 120 winners)
8th prize: Product discount offer e-coupons (all product discount offers are independent prizes):
Buy any Kumai / Chew Chew Frozen product upon $50, less $5
Buy Jongga / O'Food chilled product upon $60, less $5
Buy Amoy sauce upon $30, less $3
Buy LION & GLOBE Cooking Oil upon $120, less $10
Buy Garden biscuit upon $50, less $5
Buy Vinda items upon $100, less $5
Buy Aveeno Bath 1L, less $10
For each transaction, only one "shopping discount offer" or “product discount offer” e-coupon can be used and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts / offer coupons.
Winning notification and redemption details:
Ultimate, grand, 2nd and 3rd prize winners:
The winners will be contacted individually by phone for the winning registration within 3 working days after win. After the winners received the winning registration notification, the winners are required to provide English full name (must be the same as shown on HKID card), the complete and clear original winning receipt and its photo for verification and complete the winning registration within 2 working days.
If winners who cannot be contacted within the above period or cannot provide any of above information or cannot complete the winning registration within the designated period after received the winning registration notification will forfeit the prize. If winners cannot be contacted within the above period, the winners shall contact us by calling our enquiry hotline by the registered person and phone number within 1 working day during office hours after the above period or the winners will be disqualified. The late enquiries would not be accepted.
The winners must redeem the prize or redemption letter in person at specific location and time. Authorized redemption is not allowed. The winners will be required to present the original receipts, the HKID card and redemption details WhatsApp message for verifications when redemption. If winners fail to redeem the prize on or before the designated date / fail to present the original receipt, the HKID card or the redemption details WhatsApp message when redemption, Wellcome reserves the right of disqualification. The original receipt will be collected after redemption.
4th, 5th, 6th and 7th prize winners:
The winners will receive the winning WhatsApp message with e-coupon's website link within 1 working day.
If winners do not receive the winning WhatsApp message or the prizes' e-coupon website link within the above period, the winners shall contact us by calling our enquiry hotline by the registered person and phone number within 1 working day during office hours after the above period or the winners will be disqualified. The late enquiries would not be accepted.
Before redemption, winners shall check the stock level with stores.
The winners must redeem the prizes / shopping discount offer at Wellcome supermarkets by presenting the original winning receipt and e-coupon displayed in the real time e-coupon website (screenshot is not accepted) within the valid period specified in the e-coupon. When the transaction is completed, winners must press "Done" and "Confirm" button in the e-coupon website in the witness of Wellcome staff. Winners should check the products availability with the stores before redemption. If winners fail to redeem the prize / shopping discount offer within the valid period specified on the e-coupon, present the original winning receipt or e-coupon displayed in the real time e-coupon website, or press "Done" and "Confirm" button in the e-coupon website in the witness of Wellcome staff, will forfeit the prize.
8th prize winners:
After announcing the prize, the product discount e-coupon would be displayed immediately in the lucky draw result page, winners shall take a screenshot (must clearly show the whole and complete e-coupon) or download the e-coupon immediately. No re-issuance of e-coupon, if winners fail to get the lucky draw result (due to network or other problems), take the screenshot or download the e-coupon, will forfeit the prize.
Before redemption, winners shall check the stock level with stores.
The winners must redeem the product discount offer at Wellcome supermarkets by presenting the whole and complete e-coupon screenshot or image within the valid period specified in the e-coupon. If winners fail to redeem the product discount offer within the valid period specified on the e-coupon, present the whole and complete e-coupon screenshot or image, Wellcome reserves the right of disqualification.
Each day will run from 12 midnight to 11:59pm. The date and time on the promotion website's server will be final for all dates and times in this promotion.
The registration deadline of the lucky draw for each round is as below:
(each valid receipt can be registered on one of the below (based on the registration time) which is on or after the receipt date while each valid receipt can be registered once only in the whole promotion period)
Round 1: 29 August 2024, 11:59pm
Round 2: 5 September 2024, 11:59pm
Round 3: 12 September 2024, 11:59pm
Round 4: 20 September 2024, 11:59pm
Delivery note, duplicated receipt, coupon / voucher, credit card customer copy or receipt which only contains plastic shopping bag charges, the purchase / redemption of "Happy Stamp" redemption items (including purchase / redemption of "Happy Stamp" series redemption items by yuu Points), redemption of free products / gifts / prizes, refunded products, the purchase of Wellcome shopping vouchers, Octopus top-ups and delivery charges are not accepted for this promotion.
If the winners confirmed to have a purchase of HK$50 or above or the designated products in the registration, yet if under verification, the purchase amount is below HK$50 or does not match the amount entered or the designated products quantity does not match the quantity entered, it will result in disqualification.
All winners must agree the terms and conditions of the prizes and the photos and videos taken in the redemption can be used for the promotional purposes in any channels and media by Wellcome for this promotion.
Apart from the lucky draw result would be announced to the participant instantly upon the complete registration, the end of Roundly promotion and Ultimate Lucky Draw prize winner notice will be announced on Sing Tao Daily and The Standard on below date:
Round 1: 5 September 2024
Round 2: 12 September 2024
Round 3: 19 September 2024
Round 4 & Ultimate Lucky Draw: 27 September 2024
The photos are for reference only. The prize's colour cannot be selected and subject to the supplier's stock availability.
The prize cannot be transferred, resold or exchanged for cash. Winners agree to abide by the terms and conditions which listed by the prize suppliers of the relevant prizes. Wellcome and the prize suppliers shall not be responsible for any consequences due to the redemption or use of the prizes.
Participants understand and accept that Wellcome has no legal or other liabilities if any winners are unable to enjoy any prizes for whatever reasons or if any winners suffer from any personal injuries or property losses or damages in the course of his or her enjoyment of any prizes for whatever reasons.
Any receipts which are incomplete, fake, copy, broken, reprint, edited, smeared or not within the promotion period will not be accepted. Wellcome reserves the right to judge the eligibility of the winners. In case of loss of receipt, it will not be replaced or reissued.
During this promotion, if the registered data or winning notification are lost, inaccurate, unidentifiable or damaged caused by any computer, network, telephone or technical issues which are not attributed to the default of Wellcome, Wellcome shall not have any legal liability if the participant is judged as disqualified and the participant cannot object.
All information provided by participants cannot be changed after registration. All information of participants should be based on the record of the web registration. Any faulty, duplicated and incomplete information will result in disqualification. If winners cannot receive the winning notifications, redemption details or prizes, or cannot redeem the prizes due to any fake, incomplete or incorrect information provided for this promotion, Wellcome shall bear no responsibility. This promotion only accepts Hong Kong mobile phone number which carries a WhatsApp account, has agreed the WhatsApp in-app Terms and Privacy Policy and carries the traditional voice services provided by Hong Kong mobile network operators, if the mobile phone number does not carry a WhatsApp account, has not agreed the WhatsApp in-app Terms and Privacy Policy or does not carry the voice service or registered phone number is not in use, invalid, changed, cannot send / receive WhatsApp message or cannot make / receive the traditional voice calls when registering this promotion / redemption, it will result in disqualification.
For enquiries of the registration or winning information, the registered person should contact us by the registered phone number.
In case of disputes, the decision of Wellcome will be final and binding. If Wellcome note any participants use or incite others to use improper or fraudulent acts / means to disturb the promotion operation or cause damages to or affect the promotion holding, integrity, fairness or running, Wellcome reserves the right to disqualify the participants, abolish the participants' previous registration, limit the participants' access to the promotion website and / or provide related services to concerned participants and reserve the right to seek all remedies available.
Any personal data collected will be used to contact and verify the identity of the participants for prize redemption only and will be handled properly and kept confidential. Wellcome reserves the right to disqualify participants who refuse or fail to provide the relevant personal information. All personal data collected will be destroyed within 90 days after the end of the promotion. For company privacy policy, please refer to
Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 59056-64
Enquiry hotline: 3521-1245